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John Legend and Chrissy Teigen Take a Lie Detector Test

John Legend and Chrissy Teigen take a lie detector test. Does Chrissy relate with her fans? What are the secrets behind her marriage? Did she win a Mac & Cheese eating competition? Is John Legend his real or stage name? Was he popular in school? Does he think they would have dated in high school?

Released on 11/04/2019


[television playing]


[doorbell ringing]

Who's that?

I don't know.

I wasn't expecting anybody.

Me neither.

Go get it.

[ominous music]

[metallic clanking]

[electricity buzzing]

[switches clicking]

John. Yeah.

Chrissy. Yes.

[Interviewer] We've come to your home today

to give you a lie detector test.


Happens often.

I thought we weren't doing lie detector.

I thought we were just gonna trust each other.

[laughs] No.




[Interviewer] One of you will be in the hot seat

while the other asks questions

and then you'll switch.

So who wants to get hooked up first?

I will.

Okay, perfect.


Did you do Lisa Vanderpump's?

I did not. [John laughing]

Okay, we'll start with some easy ones.

Is your name Christine Diane Teegen?

It's Teigen but yes.

Were you born in Utah?

From what I've heard, yes.

Okay, are you a New York Times bestselling author?


Are you about to take a polygraph test?

Yes. Okay.

Let's get started.

You once told Vogue that three words to describe us

as a couple are keeping it sexy

but that was two years ago.

Would you still use those three words to describe us today?

I would use those words to describe us this morning.

Whoa, all right now.

She is telling the truth. Yes.


All right now.

I just got back from a four day trip.

Okay, a lot of your fans would call you relatable.

Would you agree with that?


So it's relatable to be married

to one of the world's most successful musicians?

If that's your goal, [John laughing]

then yes.

A lot of Hollywood couples get together for publicity.

Is our relationship just a really long,

convoluted publicity stunt

to get you more Twitter followers?

I have more Twitter followers than you so no.

I actually have more than you.

You have way more Instagram followers than me though.

[beep] . [John laughing]

Would you still love me if I couldn't sing?

Yes. Okay.

Would you still love me if I wasn't rich?

Hmm, yes.

Okay, good answer.

What if I could only sing my vocal warmups [sings notes].

I do not like those. Oh, you don't like those.

Okay. That's true.

[both laughing]

Even though we're married,

do you still find other men attractive?

Yes. Okay.

Good answer.

How about this one?

[laughs] In his own way.

I've told you this before.

I think he's cute.

Ah, what about this one?

This one, no.

They don't look like real firefighters.

I want real firemen.

These are like Chippendales firefighters.

Yeah, I don't like, I don't like those guys.

[John] How 'bout this one?

Yes. [John awing]

He's so cute! [John clapping]


All right, now aside from being your husband,

would you say I'm a good roommate?

What do you mean?


You're kinda messy. Am I a good person

to live with? Yes.

To cohabitate with? Yes.

Is there something I do around the house

that gets on your nerves?

You're messy. Oh, okay.

You don't listen.

Your ears are like always off.

But that's it really. Okay, okay.

Have you ever left the toothpaste open?

Every day. Every day, yes.

'Cause it needs to have a snap-on top.

Okay, correct. And until it has a snap

on the top or you get me one that has a snap on the top,

I will continue to leave it open.

Okay. And honestly

I'm leaving it open because you're gonna use it next.

Then you don't have to unscrew it.

You're being considerate, is what you're saying.

Yes. Okay.

You are very considerate. Thank you.

Okay, do you listen to my music when I'm not around?

Yes. Aww.

What's your favorite musician including me?

Mariah Carey? Ow.

Ariana Grande. Oh, okay.

There's so many.

I released a Christmas album,

A Legendary Christmas last year.

Was my Christmas album-- Do we just have to throw

that in there or something?

The deluxe edition will be available this year.

Oh wow. Yes.

Can I enjoy it while drinking LVE Wine?

Absolutely. Oh.

Yes. That sounds great.

Yes. [Chrissy laughing]

So is my Christmas album better than this man's?

Yes. All right, good answer.

Now-- I had to think

about who that was for a second.

[John laughing]

[Chrissy laughing]

Damn. Was that true?

That's true. [John laughing]

It's a very good Christmas album.

[John laughing]

You've said before

that you do not like my song Green Light.

Is that my only song that you don't like?

No. Okay.

Have you ever considered

that your public criticism might hurt my feelings?

No. No.

[Chrissy snickering] 'Kay.


Do you-- You, what--

Okay, okay. You know it's not

that good of a song.

You even said that it's kind of a little radio-ish and not--

What, what? You know, so.

You know. What?

I love that song, it's amazing.

[groaning] Listen to it.

I encourage you. The worst is

when it's you doing it on the piano.

[John making indignant noises] I was like,

Can this get any worse? Now, now, now--

And then it could. Now.

She just doesn't like the lyrics.

[Test Administrator] She is telling the truth.

[Chrissy giggling] Oh my god.

Do you think I have good taste?

In what? Women.


Do I have good taste in the interior design of our home?


Would you say that I've had equal input

in the interior design of our home?

More than equal. More than half.

More than half. Okay.

Do you ever think any

of my awards make the house look tacky?

No, mine do. [both laughing]

Mine are terrible. [John groaning]

[Chrissy laughing]

You were Revolve Woman of the Year

and I think that's very prestigious.

And I won the Mac and Cheese Off.

[John] Yes, you won the mac and cheese competition.


You once posted an Instagram story

with an idea for making edible produce stickers.

What other great ideas do you have?

You have them all in your ideas folder.

That is correct.

Are you easily embarrassed?

For a little bit but then I don't care.

[John] Have I ever embarrassed you?

Yes. Okay.

I mean, I can't pinpoint exact,

probably when you talk in your radio voice.

Oh. It embarrasses me.

That's, you're just using this to criticize me.

Do you think-- It's us.

[laughs] Do you think you've ever embarrassed me?

Yes. [John laughing]

Was posting a picture of my butt on Instagram

the most embarrassing thing-- You liked that.

I did not. You did!

I was embarrassed. You were like post it.

My parents were-- You should post it.

My parents were very upset. Really?

[John laughing] You wanted me to post it.

Oh my god. You did.

That's questionable. Oh [laughs].

[gasping] [John laughing]

You wanted me to post it. Thank you.

Thank you, okay. I definitely got,

I definitely got approval we'll say.

Oh my god. Maybe you didn't want it

but you approved it. I think we were both,

we were both drunk. Yeah.

Anyway-- It was, that's the problem.

It was at, we were in Paris

but everyone else was just going about their day here.

[John] Yes, it was late night in Paris.

So it was like a random daytime butt for them.

Yes, it was, it was odd timing for Americans.

Yeah. Okay.

Donald Trump blocked you on Twitter, is that correct?

Yes. If he unblocked you,

would you follow him? I would block him.

Ah, I like it.

That's all I'm waiting for in life.

Okay, I've been hacked on Twitter before.

Do you know who hacked me? It was my favorite day.

I do not. Was it you?

No. Okay.

But. But.

Respect to that person. Respect to the,

respect to the hacker. Yeah.

They had some good, good tweets.

It said I have a small penis [laughs].

[John laughing]

I have a small penis was your bio.

My bio [laughs]. That was so cool.

That was funny. I wish it was me.

[laughs] You've been used as a meme a few times

while attending award shows.

Some of your faces have gone viral.

Could you meme-ify this photo of me?

[laughs] Oh, Jesus. That's terrible.

That's a terrible-- Don't use that again.

[laughs] I don't have to do anything to this.

[John] Put this photo away.

This is-- That's bad.

[Chrissy] I haven't ever seen this photo.

Where did that come from?

That was before Invisaline.

Before, it was before a lot of things.

Mm-hmm, it was bad.

I've gotten a glow-up since then.

I do not-- Vanity Fair, we've got

to get approval of these photos before--

I do not know this man [laughs].

[John] Yeah, I do not,

I'm sorry to this man. I'm sorry to that man.

[both laughing]

What about this photo?

Oh my gosh.

[John] Why are you guys pulling out these--

Look at the jeans. Old photos?

This is the worst-- Oh.

This is like, This is Your Life embarrassing.

You were still dating supermodels

at this point--


Too which is bonkers to me. It was a different time.

It was a different time. It was.

A time where we just turned a blind eye, I guess.


Okay, did you lie at any point in this interview

and we didn't catch you? No.

Okay, I believe you.

Excellent job, Chrissy.

Thank you.


All right, you little bitch [laughs].

Just kidding [laughs].

I've always wanted to do that.

Okay, let's start simple.

Have you cheated on me?

[laughs] I'm just kidding. [both laughing]

Baseline. I'm just kidding.

I don't even want to know.

I don't want to know.

Okay, just some, a few baseline questions.

Uh huh. Have you cheated?


Okay, no.

Is your stage name John Legend?


Are you the husband of famed model, Chrissy Teigen?

Yes, I am.

Are you the father to Luna and Miles?

I hope so, yes.

Look at their faces. I know their mine.

Jesus. [John chuckling]

[Chrissy] All right, are you ready to get started?

Yes, I am. Okay, take a breath.

You look a little nervous.

I am a little nervous. Okay.

[chuckling] You were prom king

of your high school.

So would you say you were pretty popular?

I was pretty popular, yes.

On a scale of one to 10, how popular were you?

Well, probably like eight or nine.

Ooh. Yeah.


Do you think we would have dated in high school?

I think probably not. Why?

I was still pretty nerdy.

I didn't get a lot of girls in high school.

And I was two years younger than everybody in my class.

Very braggy. Because I was so smart.

This isn't a place for you to brag.

It's a place for you to be honest.

I wouldn't have been lucky enough to date you.

Yeah so you're saying I wouldn't have dated you.

Yeah, I would need to, you know,

get to the where I was when I met you

before you were in my league.

Or before I was in your league.

I've dated a lot worse. Oh okay.

Just wanna tell you that right now.

[John laughing]

So, on a more, you wrote these, okay?

You went to UPenn. Oh did I [laughs]?

But is that the only thing

that you and Donald Trump have in common?

We're both human beings.

We're both males.

We both lived in New York a significant amount of time.

Would you ever bribe a university

to ensure our children go to the best schools?

Bribe, I would more legally do stuff like donate.

This is already true.

Do you think you'd ever be asked

to be the commencement speaker over me?

Over you?

I don't know if that's the way to put it

but I've been asked to do some commencement speeches, yes.

And I have not so. Oh so.


So yes.

As a couple would you say we are goals?


Your song All of Me mentions curves,

edges, perfect imperfections.

Now that song is about me, correct?

That is correct.

[Chrissy] What are my imperfections?

[laughs] What do you mean?

We already discussed this.

You don't put the toothpaste cap on and it incenses me.

You can't use that. [John laughing]

What frustrates you about me?

When you don't laugh at my jokes.

Tell a joke. [John chuckling]

Every once in awhile. [John laughing]

Is it my feet? I love your--

Do you like my feet? I love your feet.

That's questionable. [John laughing]

[gasps] How do you like-- It's true.

How can you possibly like my feet?

Because they're beautiful.

I really love them.

I will kiss them.

I will rub them.

I'll do more if you want.

What the [beep] is more?

Whatever you want. Okay.

You tell me what is more. I don't want that.

Okay. [both laughing]

You've said before that you got a little bit jealous

of Ryan Gosling during the filming of La La Land

because he has no flaws.

Is that correct? I did not say no flaws

but I said he learned to play the piano way better

than I learned to play the guitar

and I found that very impressive.

Do you think Ryan Gosling has flaws

and if so, what are they?

I do not know if he has flaws

but he is, he's a pretty awesome human being probably.

From what I can-- Would you kiss him?

Would I kiss him?

Probably not.

It's not my thing.

But he's very handsome.

He is telling the truth.

I would kiss him.

You're not even hooked up to this!

You're [laughs].

I'm just joking.

Does any part of you regret working on La La Land?


But that sweater?


You mean the turtleneck? Turtleneck.

Yeah, on the turtleneck, I'm all for it.

If you could do La La Land all over again,

would you still choose that turtleneck?

I'm completely fine with all the choices

I made sartorially in that film.


So I have a cookbook out too.


[Chrissy] Do you like my cooking?

I love your cooking.

Are there recipes in the book

that you would rather not eat again?

Not that I can think of honestly.

I love everything you make truly.

What do you think is the worst thing I've ever made?

I can't think of anything off the top of my head.

Honestly. My risotto was pretty bad.

Too much saffron. Oh you made a risotto

that wasn't great.

That is correct.

Kanye's flan-- I loved that.


Are you waiting on me to lose this baby weight?


You look perfect.

He's telling the truth.


Good job.

Am I better cook than this woman?


I love her.

[laughs] I love her too.

And we cook from her book.

She's a little healthier than my taste.

She even looks healthy.

She's very healthy and she's gorgeous.



We didn't ask that.

She's damn near perfect. Jesus.

She's got the perfection of a Ryan Gosling.

Yes. [John laughing]

I'd kiss Gwyneth too. [John laughing]

Is there a dish I make that you're too afraid

to tell me you don't like?


Would you say marriage requires sacrifice?


[Chrissy] What have you sacrificed for me?

I mean, none of it's like a bad sacrifice.

Like, I work less than I would if I were single.

I have sex with other women less

than I would if I were single [laughs].

Less. But it's all fine [laughs].

That's a big sacrifice-- It's worth it.

Just to stop [beep] around. [John laughing]

I agree.

I agree. It's worth it.

[Chrissy] Do you actually enjoy watching Bravo shows

with me or are you just being a good husband?

I enjoy most of them. I agree.

I agree with that.

You do enjoy it.

I enjoy most of them.

Some of them I just put up with.

Others I actually enjoy. Okay.

Do you think I should be a Real Housewife?

No, I think you don't need it

and I actually don't think

you would be dramatic enough for them.

They like messier people.

You're not very messy with your friends.

Do you think, ooh, this is tough 'cause,

okay, do you think I have good style?

You have amazing style.

Do you get mad I wear robes so often?

I love you in robes.

I think they are very beautiful and feminine and luxurious.

Are there some days you wish

I dressed up a little bit more?


We dress up plenty.

Do you sometimes think in your mind,

Wow, she's such a slob-kabob?

[laughs] No, I do not.

Absolutely do not.

Well, I think all these things about me.

All right, getting to the tough questions.

All right now.

No, that's, I haven't looked yet.

[clears throat] Is it true that we didn't hook up

after you reached EGOT status at the 2018 Emmy's?

I don't recall if we'd hooked up that night.

No, a lot happened that day.

Oh, we went over to Lip Sync Battle--

Lip Sync Battle, yes. Right afterwards, yes.

Did you want to have sex on our wedding night?


Well then I'm sorry [laughs].

We eventually had it.


No one has sex on their wedding night.

Is what I tell myself. Oh, yeah.

We had it before our wedding night as well.

At this moment right now though,

are you concerned that we don't have enough sex?

No, especially after last night [laughs].

Wow, TMI, everybody, I'm sorry.

Let's switch topics. Oh, okay.

You first met Kanye West in 2001, right?

Uh, that is correct.

Do you miss the old Kanye?


Oh sometimes, yes.

But people, you know, they grow, they change

and you know, artists are who they are.

Did he ask you permission before he posted screen shots

of your texts on Twitter?

He did not.

Do you think Kim wears the pants in that relationship?

No, they seem like they have a kind of

equal relationship from what I've seen.

Do I wear the pants in our relationship?

In a lot of aspects, you do, yeah.

I feel like we both have things we care about

and want to take charge of more

and we do those things.

I like not having the pants on though.

Yeah, you like wearing robes.

[Chrissy] I do.

You wear the robes in our relationship.


See, she never laughs at my jokes.

So Mom lives with us.

Are you okay with this? Absolutely.

He is telling the truth.

I like it too.

Is it because we have such a big house?

I mean, if we had a two bedroom,

I would not be okay with her living with us.

So if we lived in a smaller house,

would you still be okay with my mom living with us?

No. Not if, no.

There needs to be enough room for all the people.


Now my mom spends a lot of time with Luna and Miles

and I often wonder this.

Do you think that they like her more than me?

I think kids always have a special fondness

for their grandparents because the grandparents just get

to love on them and don't have to be strict or anything.

So they, I was like that with my grandparents too.

I just, they're fun.

Grandparents are fun.

Yes or no, do they love her more than me?

No they don't.

It's a different relationship.

But it's all fun.

Do you think we are cool parents?

I think we are

but I think our kids will not think we're cool

in about 10 years.

I think they don't think we're cool now.

[John] Oh [laughs].

Are you worried that when they're older,

the kids at school might call me a MILF?

Oh, I hope they do.


Well, I won't be, I'll tell you that much.

[John laughing]

Would you call yourself at this moment in time a DILF?

I have been featured

on The DILFs of Disneyland Instagram page

so I will say, I'm not gonna say I'm a DILF

but some have said, people are saying.

Yeah, the people are talking.

[John laughing] The random accounts

on Instagram, they are a-talkin'.

People are saying

that I am the most DILFiest DILF of all time.

You have a beautiful voice.

Would you agree? Absolutely.

Wow. Oof.

That's some confidence. [laughing]

Do you like it when I sing?

I do actually.

Do you think I have a good voice?

I think you have a good voice, yes.

Why did you emphasize good there?

I didn't say great.

I said good.

Do you think I have what it takes

to make it in the music industry?

Well, that's not a high bar these days.

We have a lot of technology and things

to make people sound like, you know, amazing.

Okay. So we could.

We could do it with you if you were up for it.

But I can't dance or do anything.

There are examples of people who can--

You don't wanna say it [laughs].

Who can neither, who can neither dance nor sing

but have made careers of it.

Do you think I could ever win a Grammy?


Oh no, you could do it as a, for Best Spoken Word Album.

Do you think I could win an Emmy?

Absolutely, no question.


That was just a personal question.

I think you will win an Emmy.

Oh thank you. Mm-hmm.

I am pretty vocal on Twitter.

Does that ever bother you?


Have I ever posted something

that you knew would be a bad idea?

Not in a long time.

I think you know, you know how people are gonna react

to things very well so you'll post things

that you wanna post and that you're willing

to take the heat for.

Have you ever felt bad for me on Twitter?


Have you ever considered muting me?


[Chrissy] Are you sure?

I have never considered muting you.

Oh well, Sometimes, you said, Sometimes I go to your page

and get excited it says you follow me

then I remember you married me.

[Chrissy laughing] I'm drunk.

And then I-- That's my version

of a compliment. That was, that was sweet.

And then I jokingly said, Unfollowing

and then you said, Racist and that was--

[Chrissy laughing]

I think that was an example of us having witty, funny--

I'm so funny. Repartee on Twitter.

Oh, god. [both laughing]

One more reason why we're-- All right.

Relationship goals.

Was it because of this tweet?

I like to send John nudes and say 'sorry wrong person'.


That was a joke too.

I thought that was funny, too.

Do you find any of my friends attractive?

I'm sure, yeah, I'm sure.

You have attractive friends.

The baby name that I wanted to name Luna.

[John] Yes.

You really didn't like it that much?

I didn't love it.

It was fine, I would have been okay with it

but I love Luna more.

Would you ever have married me without a prenup?

I think prenups are a good thing to do.

I actually wish I knew you were gonna be so successful.

I would have rewritten the prenup a little bit.

You're a lot richer than I thought you'd be.

If you take one of my monies--

[John] [laughs] One of my monies.

I will kill you. [John laughing]

At any point during this interview,

did you lie and we didn't catch you?

I did not.

That's true.

Is that like a legal thing to ask?

I told the truth.

I told the truth.


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